*** Connecting to lan.dal.net.ru (6667) - *** Identd request from - -lan.dal.net.ru- *** Looking up your hostname... - -lan.dal.net.ru- *** Checking ident... - -lan.dal.net.ru- *** Checking for open socks server... - -lan.dal.net.ru- *** Found your hostname - *** Identd replied: 2038, 6667 : USERID : WinNT : WinNT - -lan.dal.net.ru- *** Received identd response - -lan.dal.net.ru- *** No socks server found (good!)... - -lan.dal.net.ru- *** If you are having problems connecting due to ping timeouts, please type /quote pong 85578 or /raw pong 85578 now. - PING? PONG! - Welcome to the DalNet.RU IRC Network PokeUSER!WinNT@ Your host is lan.dal.net.ru, running version Unreal3.1.1-Hurricane-DALNET(RU)1.7.0 This server was created Tue Dec 18 2001 at 10:29:04 MSK lan.dal.net.ru Unreal3.1.1-Hurricane-DALNET(RU)1.7.0 oOiwghskSaHANTcCfrxeWqBFIzdvtGj lvhopsmntikrRcaqOALQbSeKVfHGCuzN MAP KNOCK SAFELIST HCN WATCH=128 SILENCE=5 MODES=13 MAXCHANNELS=10 MAXBANS=60 NICKLEN=30 TOPICLEN=307 KICKLEN=307 CHANTYPES=# PREFIX=(ohv)@%+ are supported by this server - There are 196 users and 176 invisible on 17 servers 1220 operator(s) online 3 unknown connection(s) 311 channels formed I have 46 clients and 2 servers - Current Local Users: 46 Max: 200 - Local host: ( - Current Global Users: 372 Max: 846 - Message of the Day, lan.dal.net.ru - - 1/1/2003 5:04 - ============================================================================= - Welcome to Russian DalNet - Добро пожаловать в Русский Далнет - --------------------------------------------------------- - Administration: - - Network Admin: Hetfield_ - Network CoAdmin: [KILLER] - Help Team Leader: [KILLER] - Nicks & Channnel Admin: [KILLER] - Abuse Admin: [KILLER] - Coder: Highlander - Tech Admin: Deus - - По вопросам помощи по IRC и командам сервисов: /join #help - Сайт сети http://www.dal.net.ru - - - Кодировки сети (Network Encoding): - 6666 - Translit, 6667 - cp1251, 6668 - koi8-r, 6669 - ISO-8859-5 (MAC) - - ============================================================================= - End of /MOTD command. - *** PokeUSER sets mode: - -NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your - -NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise, - -NickServ- please choose a different nick. - -NickServ- If you do not change within one minute, your nick will be changed. - -ChanServ- #pokemon Welcome: 2Be the best, that you can be (Pokemon Johto) - -ChanServ- #pokeliga Welcome: 2,7Это канал хорошо известного в РуПокеНете сайта Russian Pokemon League (www.pokeliga.com). Ведите себя хорошо. Иначе идите на #flame. :)